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Shoals Chamber BLOG

Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Faith-based business owners believe in business growth

Ask any entrepreneur what drives them to succeed, and you might be surprised to learn that money isn't always the top motivator - their faith is. In fact, many prominent companies both here in our community and beyond were founded on the idea that running a business is a spiritual calling - one that compels owners to provide for others by creating jobs, delivering essential services, and making money to fund charitable organizations such as overseas missions, church groups, and health care for the needy.

Monday, June 3, 2019
Why the star of your next business video should be you

Ready for your close-ups? Why the star of your next business video should be you. No one knows your business like you do. While it may take some getting used to, you are your own best advocate and should be featured in your own business videos. People like to know who they are dealing with. The message you deliver is crucial to landing new clients and maintaining existing relationships. Identifying the purpose of the video will help you create a solid format. is the purpose to gain new clients, to inform