AA Arts & Entertainment
Tuesday – Friday, 9am-5pm
Saturday, 10am-5pm
Closed to the public between exhibitions
About Us
The Tennessee Valley Museum of Art offers a variety of multi-disciplined exhibitions annually.
The permanent exhibition of the Martin Petroglyph is on display in a replicated bluff shelter setting. The 3,000 pound boulder depicts human footprints and snakes carved by the prehistoric people of northwest Alabama. Objects including shell and stone carvings, pottery, projectile points, among others interpret the mastery of the earliest people of our area.
A rare and historic Chickasaw beaded and embroidered bandolier strap is also on display. The strap belonged to Chief George Colbert for whom the county is named.
Admission during the week is $5 for adults, $3 for students & children, and free for TVAA members.
Admission may increase for special exhibitions.
Please check this site or call 256-383-0533 to confirm holiday closings.