Meet Board Member, Anita Whitaker

2018 - 2019 Vice Chairman of Finance & Administration
I am a native of Colbert County where I still reside in the community of Allsboro. My husband (Jeff) and I have been married for 35 years, we have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. I started my banking career in 1987 and for the past 11 years I have worked for CB&S Bank, currently serving as Branch Manager at the Florence Pine Street location. I have been involved with the Shoals Chamber of Commerce for the past seven years and honored to serve on the Board of Directors. Other areas in the community I serve are Safeplace, Inc. (Board of Directors, Chair of Finance), Shoals Emmaus Cluster Board (Treasurer), Shoals Civic League, and Tuscumbia First United Methodist Church. I am a member of the Shoals Area Association of Realtors and the Shoals Homebuilders Association. I love the Shoals area and enjoy the time I spend serving this great area.